All the actions of those who make up CANARD DRONES S.L.U. are aimed at satisfying the needs of our customers and stakeholders. To strengthen the commitment to Quality, the Organization has decided to implement a Quality Management system, in accordance with the international standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 2015.
This implementation implies compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements, as well as a commitment to continuous improvement.
Specifically, the Management Policy of CANARD DRONES S.L.U. is defined in:
- Commitment to the client and interested parties so that they have the necessary and appropriate solutions to their circumstances, maintaining the link over time and fostering confidence in the Quality and Excellence of our work.
- Effective assignment of functions and responsibilities so that the concept of quality is present at all levels and activities.
- Raise awareness and motivate staff about the importance of the implementation and development of a Management System, guaranteeing their training for the correct performance of their activities within the organization.
- Implement and maintain internal management and control measures to meet the requirements and continuously improve the effectiveness of the Quality system and thus ensure the satisfaction of our customers and stakeholders.
Considering these guidelines, this management reiterates its strongest commitment joining efforts to achieve these objectives, so this policy is understood, implemented and kept up to date at all levels of the organization.
Madrid, January 01, 2018
The management