ICAO has included the use of drones as a valid methodology for PAPI inspection in the Aerodrome Design Manual


ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) has just included the PAPI inspection method with drones in its documentation: Doc 9157 Aerodrome Design Manual, Part 4 – Visual Aids, 5th edition (Amendment 1, 07/12/2021), paragraphs 8.3.43 – 8.3.46. According to the text, the method is used to adjust the PAPIs, valid for both commissioning and verification.

This represents a definitive endorsement of CANARD’s technologies and procedures, and opens the doors for the civil aviation directorates of the different countries to validate the concept.

As we see the aviation world adapting to new endeavours, CANARD keeps up and evolves alongside with the future of aviation. 

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