Last Wednesday 17th of July 2019, CANARD performed the verification of all PAPI systems at Logroño-Agoncillo Airport (Spain). This operation is the 6th airport for AENA inspected with our solution, as part of the tender awarded to CANARD in 2017 for PAPI verification and calibration with drones.
This operation was carried out during the day, under coordination with the airport and with personnel from AENA responsible from aerodrome lighting and visual aids.
In addition to the verification of all the PAPI systems, CANARD performed the check of the Approach Lighting System (ALS). The ALS checks are performed with the same platform (drone and software) as the rest of solutions, which makes CANARD’s solution a very flexible and versatile tool. In our app, both PAPI and ALS can be calibrated as different tasks with their specific interface and workflow.
CANARD wants to thank AENA and Logroño-Agoncillo Airport and all involved personnel for trusting us and helping us deliver another successful inspection.